There are several possible causes for the "source text count error."
- Security restrictions have been set for the file
If the file has security restrictions such as a password or encryption, it may not be translated. Try first removing the security restrictions on the file.
- The PDF file has been set to "Printing disabled"
Check the security settings of the PDF file. If only [Printing] is "Allowed," and all other settings are "Not allowed," it will cause an error.
- [Copy content]
- [Extract content for accessibility]
- [Extract pages]
Set the above settings to "Allowed" and then see if translation can be performed.
- The page size of the PDF file exceeds 1,376 mm (vertical or horizontal)
Try changing the page size so that one side is 1,376 mm or less.
- The Excel file has an object containing ActiveX
This will occur if there is an object containing ActiveX in the Excel file. Delete the object containing ActiveX and try again.
- Other
- There is a line feed (Shift+Enter) or tab character along with a footnote in the same paragraph
- There is a line feed (Shift+Enter) along with a comment in the same paragraph
In the above cases, if there is a relevant part in the translated sentence, try deleting the line feed (Shift+Enter) part and translate it again.